Breastfeeding Tips to Success
Have you ever heard the saying ‘don’t cry over spilled milk’? For the most part, it’s true... UNLESS that milk is breast milk. A.K.A... Liquid Gold! Breast milk is the perfect source of nutrition for most babies. Its unique components change and adapt to your baby’s nutritional needs as they grow and even during times of illness to help provide additional antibodies and increased protection.
Breastfeeding provides protection against illness and diseases. Breastfeed babies have a lower risk of obesity, type 1 diabetes, ear infections and viral infections, asthma, and a lower risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Breast milk helps immune systems develop. During nursing sessions, antibodies are passed from mother to baby, helping protect from illnesses and strengthen immune systems. Breastfeeding provides benefits for moms too! Studies have shown it reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure. Breastfeeding is convenient. You’ll never have to worry about mixing formula, prepping bottles, or whether the bottle is the right temp. Milk is always on tap, no matter where you are!
Breastfeeding provides protection against illness and diseases.
Breastfeed babies have a lower risk of obesity, type 1 diabetes, ear infections and viral infections, asthma, and a lower risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
Breast milk helps immune systems develop.
During nursing sessions, antibodies are passed from mother to baby, helping protect from illnesses and strengthen immune systems.
Breastfeeding provides benefits for moms too!
Studies have shown it reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure.
Breastfeeding is convenient.
You’ll never have to worry about mixing formula, prepping bottles, or whether the bottle is the right temp. Milk is always on tap, no matter where you are!
While I will always advocate for a breastfeeding relationship to be mutually beneficial, and there are times when formula is needed and even necessary, it’s important that you feel supported in your breastfeeding journey. If you are determined to breastfeed, here are some tips to help make your journey a successful one:
Stay together after the birth.
Your baby does not need to be away from you unless there is a medical reason to be separated. Weights and measurements can wait and assessments can easily be done with baby on your chest. Spend Golden Hour (the first hour after birth) getting to know your new baby and offering the breast as much as you both like.
Get your position and attachment right.
If you're unsure, ask your doula or nurse for help and ask for lactation to come by. Many doulas are pros at nursing and most hospitals have a lactation consultant on staff. If you're having trouble nursing after you go home, check out this list for lactation consultants in the area that will come to you.
Be patient.
There is a learning curve to nursing. For you, and for baby.
Feed on-demand.
Your milk won't come in for several days, but establishing your milk supply is entirely based on need. So the more you put baby to your breast and nurse, the more your body knows to keep producing milk. Keep baby in the room with you, Avoid pacifiers until nursing is established, and once you are home, consider babywearing to keep baby close to the breast for easy nursing access.
If you are struggling to find the support you need or with your own breastfeeding journey, please don’t hesitate to ask for help. I’m always happy to provide support and resources to help you along your journey!
xoxo -Jess
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